
A divine revelation of hell free
A divine revelation of hell free

a divine revelation of hell free a divine revelation of hell free

The second theme about the book is the end time prophecies which reveal the man of sin and how the whole world who rejcts Jesus would follow him to serve satan and sin.The antichrist does bring what the world wants but his sinful motives end up in the tribulation.

a divine revelation of hell free

Another striking faucet of her revelation is the similarity of her visions of the world to come describing mountains of glory which would adorn the glory of the Jerusalem where Jesus would reign :Strikingly,The prophet Enoch, had very similar visions of mountains of glory adorning the glory of the soon-returning King,Jesus Christ see 1 Enoch & 2Enoch. According to the book ,If one falls into sin, according to Jesus, there is an advocate which is Christ himself who pleads for the believer before the Father. Mary Kay Baxter is one of those few believers whom I believe the Lord has called.Many will doubt and say, 'God could never send a soul to hell'.For this same reason or perception countless millions are burning in hell.Mary is taken in the realm of the spirit by Jesus to Hell or Gehenna where she sees the torments of those who truly rejected Christ.They may have had a form of godliness but these in hell truly loved sin and rejected Christs commandment to Love God First and Then love fellow men.They either loved the world and God at the same time or totally rejected Christ.The writings are expressly biblical:"Where the fire quencheth not and the worm Dieth not" see matt & Isaiah 66.The Objective is not to make you frightened, but rather to reveal clearly the sinful age within which we live, and to know Gods judgment on the sins of the unrepentant.In the book and the bible it is clearly stated that salvation is by Jesus christ alone, and true repentance is necessarry if one wills to. I have judged this book to the best of my ability and I see that it does not contradict scripture in anyway but infact elaborates on some areas that scripture talks about.More precisely all that happens in hell.

A divine revelation of hell free